Mnc organized international division of labor and renovation of international division theory 跨国公司主导型国际分工及其理论创新初探
The theory of comparative advantage is the most fundamental theory of international division of labor in the classic occidental economics 摘要比较优势理论是西方古典经济学中关于国际分工的最重要的理论。
Currently , all asian countries except japan are playing a non - favorable role in the international division of labor and global economic system 目前,除日本之外的亚洲国家在世界劳动力分工和全球经济系统中都处于不利地位。
The industrial structure of a country is closely linked with the development of the international division of labor in the present time of economic globalization 在经济全球化时代,一国产业结构的变动与国际分工的发展有着密切的内在联系。
The comparative advantages of a developing country over developed countries are not the sufficient condition of obtaining gains from international division of labor or trade 摘要一个发展中国家仅有与发达国家的比较优势并不是获得国际分工和贸易好处的充分条件。
The 2nd chapter thought that economic globalization has promoted the international division of labor in shipping by enlarging the market capacity and cutting the transaction costs 第二章论述了经济全球化如何通过扩大市场规模和降低交易成本深化航运业国际分工。
By reviewing the development of international trade and international direct investment , it would not be too difficult to discover that both of them result from international division of labor 回顾国际贸易和国际直接投资的发展过程,我们不难发现这两者都是国际分工的结果。
The participation of the international collaboration , improvement the favorable position in the international division of labor became the most concerned purpose that all governments are chasing 深化参与国际分工,提高自己的分工地位和经济发展水平,成为各国政府追求的目标。
Those including enlarging service trade and polishing service trade structure are new measures for improving the capability of our participation of the international division of labor and competition 扩大服务贸易,改善服务贸易结构,是提高我国参与国际分工和竞争能力的新举措。
Only in this way can we take fuller advantage of international resources , participate in international competition more directly and in international division of labor as well as economic cooperation more effectively 只有这样,才能更充分地利用国际资源,更直接地参与国际市场竞争,更有效地参与国际分工和经济合作。